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Khristee Rich is a comedic character actress, comedienne, and commercial print model living in California.

A BFA Theatre Performance major from the University of Michigan, Khristee has performed in New York City, London, England, Michigan, and Connecticut. Khristee is known for her indescribable facial expressions, her afro, and for ability to completely transform into any role. Khristee has played the saucy Grandma in The American Dream, "crazy" Susan in Cry Havoc, the bold-spirited Cockney woman, Rummy Mitchens, in Major Barbara, the eerily–smiley, almost sinister Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland, and the boy–obsessed, wildly imaginative Kathryn in WASP, to name a few of her previous roles.

Khristee also writes sketch comedy, stand-up, short stories, children’s stories, and wacky, surreal one-person and multi-person plays. She loves to travel, to kayak, to meet people from all over the world, and to sit in parks on warm, sunny days.

Khristee is looking forward to presenting a full staged version of her surreal one woman show, The Ostrich Woman, soon.